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[CTF] Uncoding (XOR One-time pad)


Understanding the challenge

The application is really simple and it presents an option to decrypt a memory, based on user input. Annotated Ghidra decompiled code below:

void main(void)
  ushort ppuVar1;
 char inputNum [28];
  int local_c;
  do {
    printf("Which memory would you like to review today (0 -> 3)? ");
    ppuVar1 = __ctype_b_loc();
 if (((*ppuVar1)[inputNum[0]] & 0x800) == 0) {
      local_c = -1;
    else {
      local_c = atoi(inputNum);
  } while( true );

No buffer overflow when reading the user input, or other obvious vulnerabilities. The highlighted condition checks whether the first character of user’s input is a digit or not, using the __ctype_b_loc function:

((*ppuVar1)[inputNum[0]] & 0x800) == 0

The decryption function is short as well, and easy to make sense of:

void decrypt_message(int param_1)
  undefined8 local_28;
  undefined8 local_20;
  long local_18;
  int local_c;
  if (param_1 == 3) {
    puts("-- ERROR -- [That memory has been locked away!] -- ERROR --");
  else if ((param_1 < 4) && (-1 < param_1)) {
    local_18 = *(long *)(messages + (long)param_1 * 8);
    local_28 = 0xc3e2af1e8edad4c6;
    local_20 = 0xee602548c0d4060c;
    for (local_c = 0; *(char *)(local_18 + local_c) != '\0'; local_c = local_c + 1) {
      putchar((int)(char)(*(byte *)((long)&local_28 + (long)(local_c % 0x10)) ^
                         *(byte *)(local_18 + local_c)));
  else {
    puts("-- ERROR -- [That memory does not exist] -- ERROR --");

Basically memories 0-2 are decrypted using a long XOR key, while any attempt to decrypt the 3rd one results in an error.


A quick way to recover the 3rd one is to run the binary under a debugger and patch the code on the fly in order to do the decryption for input parameter 3:

