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Quarantined files



  • In a nutshell, the file quarantine feature that was introduced in Mac OSX Leopard 10.5 to protect users from accidentally running applications downloaded from an untrusted source.

File Quarantine is a new feature in Leopard designed to protect users from trojan horse attacks. It allows applications which download file content from the Internet to place files in “quarantine” to indicate that the file could be from an untrustworthy source. An application quarantines a file simply by assigning values to one or more quarantine properties which preserve information about when and where the file come from.

When the Launch Services API is used to open a quarantined file and the file appears to be an application, script, or other executable file type, Launch Services will display an alert to confirm the user understands the file is some kind of application.

File Quarantine feature
  • Starting with macOS Sierra (10.12), this also applies to any application distributed outside the Mac App Store.
  • Quarantined files have an additional extended attribute,
  • Windows applies a similar restriction for files downloaded from the internet. It creates an alternate data stream (ADS) for the file, named Zone.Identifier, which stores information about where the file came from.
If you're not familiar with the Windows Alternate Data Streams feature, definitely read about it. I know it's old but it's very cool. Both from a forensics analysis and an offensive perspective.

Working with quarantined files

List extended attributes

To get a feeling of how this works we can download multiple file types - let’s say a zipped application and a PDF report, using both Safari and Chrome. The output of ls command marks files that have extended attributes with the @ sign after the permissions field:

$ ls -l
-rw-r--r--@ 1 liv  staff  1752586  3 Apr 20:57

$ ls -l 2016_human_development_report.pdf
-rw-r--r--@ 1 liv  staff  2959815  3 Apr 20:59 2016_human_development_report.pdf

Similarly, to view the attributes, use -@ flag with ls or the xattr command:

$ ls -l@
-rw-r--r--@ 1 liv  staff  1752586  3 Apr 20:57	    471	     64

$ ls -l@ 2016_human_development_report.pdf
-rw-r--r--@ 1 liv  staff  2959815  3 Apr 20:59 2016_human_development_report.pdf	     42	    198	     64
$ xattr 2016_human_development_report.pdf

Remove extended attributes

To remove the quarantine (or any other) attribute, use the xattr -d command. IF you’re dealing with .app files, which are basically directories, the -r flag is needed to recursively remove the flag for all the containing files:

$ xattr -d 2016_human_development_report.pdf
$ xattr 2016_human_development_report.pdf
Pre-Yosemite you could permanently disable the warnings befopre launching quarantined files with defaults write LSQuarantine -bool false. In general, this wouldn't have been such a great idea for obvious reasons and now this option is removed!

Create quarantined files

Files created or downloaded by an application that has the LSFileQuarantineEnabled flag set to true in the Info.plist will have the attribute. By default, the LSFileQuarantineEnabled is set to false. For more information about this and other quarantine related flags see Launch Services Keys. Let’s verify:

$ cat /Applications/ | grep LSFileQuarantineEnabled -A 1
$ cat /Applications/Google\| grep LSFileQuarantineEnabled -A 1

Get extended information about quarantined files

More information is usually available for quarantined files, including the date it was downloaded, the full URL, and in this case the browser used:

$ xattr -p  2016_human_development_report-*
2016_human_development_report-Chrome.pdf: 0081;5ac3e719;Google Chrome;D479B87B-CFBF-4B78-8921-7835020E11A1
2016_human_development_report-Safari.pdf: 0083;5ac3e75a;Safari;AEA4EEB7-905C-42C7-BE24-75D4C215ABD0

$ date -r 0x5ac3e719
Tue  3 Apr 2018 21:42:01 BST
$ date -r 0x5ac3e75a
Tue  3 Apr 2018 21:43:06 BST

$ sqlite3 ~/Library/Preferences/ .dump | grep D479B87B-CFBF-4B78-8921-7835020E11A1
INSERT INTO "LSQuarantineEvent" VALUES('D479B87B-CFBF-4B78-8921-7835020E11A1',544480918.0,'','Google Chrome','',NULL,NULL,0,NULL,'',NULL);

$ sqlite3 ~/Library/Preferences/ .dump | grep AEA4EEB7-905C-42C7-BE24-75D4C215ABD0
INSERT INTO "LSQuarantineEvent" VALUES('AEA4EEB7-905C-42C7-BE24-75D4C215ABD0',544480986.962668,'','Safari','',NULL,NULL,0,NULL,'',NULL);