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Code Injection (Run-Time)



  • In the previous posts we’ve seen how to do code injection at load time using DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable and loadable classes for both simple C applications and complex Objective-C apps. This is very useful but sometimes the application you want to inject into has already been started so we need another approach.
  • Similarly to Windows and Linux platforms, it is possible to do run-time code injection in macOS as well.
  • The documentation on this subject if very sparse. All of the implementations available online are based on the mach_inject project.
  • There is also a good side to this lack of documentation. There are limited resources for malware writers as well. Thus, it’s easy to locate possibly malicious samples online that perform process injection. For example, a quick Virus Total hunt reveals this sample which, at the time of submission, had only 4 detections. Currently 24/60 vendors detect it. I’m sure, however, there are many other samples (This will be the subject of another story).
  • Root privileges are needed to play with this project. More on the reason for this later.

How it works

  • There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Better, let’s understand how osxinj project works, without getting into too many low level details. This project is an amazing resource to understand the internals of process injection. Huge thanks to the author and also to the writer of mach_inject.
  • There is a warning on the main page of the mach_inject process:
Please don't file a bug report stating mach_inject is crashing for you when you try to use it -- you have to be hard-core enough to debug the problem yourself.
  • The idea is to inject bootstrapping code into the target process that will then invoke dyld to load any custom library. After writing the bootstrap code into the target process a new thread is spawned, having the function bootstrap as its enty point. In order to start the thread correctly, mach_inject function performs the following actions:
    • Allocates space for the stack in the remote process
    • Allocates space for the code in the remote process
    • Create a new thread and launch it.
  • The definition of mach_inject function hints at the purpose of its parameters:
mach_error_t mach_inject(
            const mach_inject_entry   threadEntry,
            const void                *paramBlock,
            size_t                    paramSize,
            pid_t                     targetProcess,
            vm_size_t                 stackSize );
  • Last point before seeing a demo. Why are root privileges needed? If we try to perform process injection without sudo, we have the following error:
Could not access task for pid 800. You probably need to add user to procmod group
  • Browsing through the code, we can trace this to the task_for_pid function call. This functions returns the mac task corresponding to a process. With a mach task, you can do pretty much anything, including reading and writing a remote process’ memory. There is not much documentation about this function online, but these articles provide a solid starting point.


  • Downlaod the osxinj project. This includes a test application, test library and the bootstrapping library:
~ git clone
  • You can use the test app and library or simply create your own. For the test program:
#include <cstdio>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    return 0;
~ clang main.cpp -o testapp

And the test library:

#include <cstdio>

void install(void) __attribute__ ((constructor));

void install()
    printf("Hello from injected lib!\n");
~ clang -Wall -m32 -o myLib.dylib -dynamiclib main.cpp
  • Compile the bootstrap library and the injector projects. The easiest way is to do it from Xcode. Notice in the invocation below that I’ve changed the injector a bit to work on a PID rather than process name. Everything else is the same.
When compiling projects in Xcode, the output files are created in a random directory, not in the base folder containing the sources.

The quickest way to locate the output folder is to click on the binary name in the left-hand side pane, and the full path will be displayed in the right-hand side pane. It should be something like this:

/Users/<username>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<project name>-<random letters>/Build/Products/Debug.
  • Profit!
~ ./testapp
~ ps axu | grep -i testapp
m                1335   0.0  0.0   599668    516 s003  S+    8:39pm   0:00.00 ./testapp
~ sudo ./osxinj 1335 ./myLib.dylib:
module: 0x78E0A730
bootstrapfn: 0x2AD50
injecting into pid: 1335
image name: /Users/m/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/osxinj-hdeefdhwprtwkjeybczergoaninn/Build/Products/Debug/bootstrap.dylib
mach_inject: found threadEntry image at: 0x2a000 with size: 9868
at 0x792de088 correcting 0x2b010 to 0x79010
at 0x792de0dc correcting 0x2b048 to 0x79048
wrote param with size 114

Finaly check the initial terminal for the result of the injection:

~ ./testapp
Hello from injected lib!
Notice that in the scenario above that we're using a 32-bit dynamic library. This is to avoid an error in the injector, however, mach_inject does support x86_64 libraries.
