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Test ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization)



In these four short posts we’ll test a few traditional anti-exploitation measures. The experiments below are inspired from the great book The Mac Hacker’s Handbook and are done on a macOS Sierra.

To check the other tests, see the links below:


The program below tests the randomisation for the following:

  • The stack, by printing the address of a variable on the stack of main function.
  • The heap, by printing a pointer allocated by malloc.
  • The address where the binary gets loaded into memory, by printing a function address.
  • The location where library functions are loaded, by printing the address of malloc function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void foo(){}

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    int y;
    char *x = (char *) malloc(128);
    printf("Library functions: %08x, Heap: %08x, Stack: %08x, Binary: %08x\n",
           &malloc, x, &y, &foo);

And the results:

$ gcc testAslr.c -o testAslr

$ ./testAslr
Library functions: e34551e8, Heap: 134025d0, Stack: 56608a0c, Binary: 095f7ed0
$ ./testAslr
Library functions: e34551e8, Heap: a64025d0, Stack: 56ac3a0c, Binary: 0913ced0
$ ./testAslr
Library functions: e34551e8, Heap: 85c025d0, Stack: 5a754a0c, Binary: 054abed0


By default, heap and stack are randomised. So is the address of the binary and all the functions. The address where library functions are loaded is randomised as well at every reboot. To verify this, run the test program again after a restart:

$ ./testAslr
Library functions: d48b61e8, Heap: f3c025d0, Stack: 57fa6a0c, Binary: 07c59ed0