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Debugging A Kernel Panic



This post goes step by step through the process of debugging a kernel panic on macOS Sierra across a network connection. The general process is described at length for different configurations in Technical Note TN2118. We’ll use a macOS host to act as the core dump server and a macOS guest virtual machine client - the debugee.

For building and loading a kernel extension, check the previous tip.


Configure the dump server

  • The first step in collecting kernel core dumps is to set up a kernel core dump server. We’ll use a macOS Sierra.
  • A typical size for kernel dumps is 200-500 MB and can vary dependng on the physical memory size and usage patterns.
  • The server needs to be accessible from the client over the network.
  • On the server we need a directory where the cores will be dropped, which needs to be writable by the program dumping the cores. According to the official guide, the following settings will do:
$ sudo mkdir /PanicDumps
$ sudo chown root:wheel /PanicDumps
$ sudo chmod 1777 /PanicDumps
  • Next step is to activate kdumpd (the kernel dump server process):
$ sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
By default this will try to dump the cores to the /PanicDumps folder. If you've used a different folder name in the previous step, update its .plist property file.
  • Next, check that the dump server was started correctly:
$ sudo launchctl list | grep kdump
-	0
  • The default port, also defined in the file is 1069. Just to make sure, we can verify the port is open:
$ netstat  -an  | grep 1069
udp4       0      0  *.1069                 *.*
udp6       0      0  *.1069                 *.*

Configure the client (the target machine)

On the client machine we need to modify the NVRAM boot-args to inclunde two arguments:

  • The debug flag, which must be set to a combination of the flags described here. We’ll use 0x444, which is equivalent to DB_KERN_DUMP_ON_PANIC|DB_ARP|DB_NMI.
  • The IP address of the dump server in the _panicd_ip variable.
  • Let’s set both using the nvram command:
$ sudo nvram boot-args='debug=0x444 _panicd_ip='
  • A restart is needed, since we’ve modified boot arguments.
$ sudo reboot
  • After the reboot, verify the parameters have been set correctly;
$ sysctl kern.bootargs
kern.bootargs: debug=0x444 _panicd_ip=
  • Trigger a kernel panic on the client using the following dtrace trick. Note that SIP needs to be disabled for this to work:
$ sudo dtrace -w -n "BEGIN{ panic(); }"
  • If everything went all, a panic dump should start to be transferred to the dump server. Wait until the .gz file is written completely:
$ ls -alh /PanicDumps
-rw-rw----   1 nobody  wheel   126M 21 Mar 23:59 core-xnu-3789.72.11-

Analyse the core dump

  • We can analyse the core dump using lldb:
$ gunzip core-xnu-3789.72.11-

$ file core-xnu-3789.72.11-
core-xnu-3789.72.11- Mach-O 64-bit core x86_64

$ lldb -c core-xnu-3789.72.11-
(lldb) target create --core "core-xnu-3789.72.11-"
Kernel UUID: B814CFE3-B6F6-304F-BFB9-C22EFC948A53
Load Address: 0xffffff8017400000
WARNING: Unable to locate kernel binary on the debugger system.
Core file '/PanicDumps/core-xnu-3789.72.11-' (x86_64) was loaded.
  • As hinted in the warning message, to get access to symbols and lldbmacros, we would also need the kernel from the KDK.


  • Remove the folder containing the dunps when the analysis is done.
  • Disable the dump server:
$ sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
  • If you’ve disabled the firewall to allow communication between the server and the client, or added any permissive rules, make sure to remove them and re-enable the firewall.
  • Re-enable System Integrity Protection on the client machine.


Technical Note TN2118 - Kernel Core Dumps