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[CTF] Under the Wire 1 - Century



UnderTheWire is an awesome website that hosts a number of PowerShell-based wargames meant to help Infosecurity people, either get started with or improve their PowerShell skills. I believe challenges and wargames like this one are a great way to learn by doing as they often cover rare and less known situations and involve problem solving. Other very interesting wargames I’ve written about are OverTheWire, Nebula, Binar Master.

The UnderTheWire wargames could be described as designed for Windows security professionals, Blue Team members or security tools designers. Currently there are 5 sets of levels of increasing difficulty.

In this post I’ll go through my solutions to the first batch of 15 levels - Century. This is the first and most basic one and focuses on parsing files, usage of PowerShell operators, file searches and general navigation techniques in a Windows environment.

For the solutions to the other games check:

Before starting, I wanted to say a huge thank you to the creators of these games for the effort of designing and hosting them, and making them available for free for everyone!

Century 1

The password for Century2 is the build version of the instance of PowerShell installed on this system.

We connect to Century1 with century1/century1. To get the build version is as simple as:

PS C:\Users\century15> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.14409.1012
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.14409.1012
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3

So the password for level 2 is: 10.0.14409.1012.

Century 2

The password for Century3 is the name of the built-in cmdlet that performs the wget like function within PowerShell PLUS the name of the file on the desktop.

To find the command behind an alias use the Get-Alias cmdlet:

PS C:\Users\century2\Documents> Get-Alias wget

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Alias           wget -> Invoke-WebRequest

Let’s also get the name of the file on the desktop:

PS C:\Users\century2\Documents> ls ..\Desktop

    Directory: C:\Users\century2\Desktop

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         6/8/2017   4:05 PM              0 80

So the password for level 3 is: invoke-webrequest80.

Century 3

The password for Century4 is the number of files on the desktop.

This is another simple one that introduces new operators:

PS C:\Users\century3\Documents> (Get-ChildItem -File ..\Desktop | Measure-Object).Count

So the password for level 4 is: 517

Century 4

The password for Century5 is the name of the file within a directory on the desktop that has spaces in its name.

This level is about parsing folders containing spaces in their names. This reminded me about an old social engineering trick used to hide the real extension of a file by adding a big number of spaces before it. This works because Windows Explorer would show only the name before spaces followed by three dots, which most often go unnoticed.

PS C:\Users\century4\Documents> ls '..\Desktop\500                                                                                                                         501'

    Directory: C:\Users\century4\Desktop\500                                                                                                                         501

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         6/8/2017   4:19 PM              0 65536

So we get the password for level 5: 65536.

Century 5

The password for Century6 is the short name of the domain in which this system resides in PLUS the name of the file on the desktop.

Let’s first get the file on the Desktop:

PS C:\Users\century5\Documents> ls ..\Desktop

    Directory: C:\Users\century5\Desktop

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         6/8/2017   4:20 PM              0 _4321

And the domain:

PS C:\Users\century5\Documents> Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem

Domain              : UNDERTHEWIRE.TECH
Manufacturer        : Microsoft Corporation
Model               : Virtual Machine
Name                : CENTURY
PrimaryOwnerName    : Windows User
TotalPhysicalMemory : 5239771136

Or even simpler:

PS C:\Users\century5\Documents> echo $env:USERDOMAIN

And we have the password for level 6: underthewire_4321.

Century 6

The password for Century7 is the number of folders on the desktop.

This level introduces counting mechanisms:

PS C:\Users\century6\Documents> (Get-ChildItem -Directory ..\Desktop | Measure-Object).Count

The password for the 7th level is thus: 416.

Century 7

The password for Century8 is in a readme file somewhere within the contacts, desktop, documents, downloads, favorites, music, or videos folder in the user's profile.

For this level we need to work out searching and filtering operations:

PS C:\Users\century7> Get-Childitem Path . -Include *readme* -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Directory: C:\Users\century7\Downloads

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         6/8/2017   4:37 PM             21 README.txt

PS C:\Users\century7> cat .\Downloads\README.txt

Or we could have done it in one go:

PS C:\Users\century7> (Get-Childitem Path . -Include *readme* -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) | cat

And we got the password for level 8: human_versus_computer.

Century 8

The password for Century9 is the number of unique entries within the file on the desktop.

In this level we need to do a bit of file parsing:

PS C:\Users\century8\Documents> (cat ..\Desktop\Unique.txt | sort | Get-Unique).count

And we have our password for next level: 511.

Century 9

The password for Century10 is the 161st element within the file on the desktop.

More file parsing kung-fu:

PS C:\Users\century9\Documents> (cat ..\Desktop\words.txt).count

PS C:\Users\century9\Documents> (Get-Content ..\Desktop\words.txt)[161]

So our password for the 10th level is: shark.

Century 10

The password for Century11 is the 10th and 8th word of the Windows Update service description combined PLUS the name of the file on the desktop.

First let’s get the file on the desktop:

PS C:\Users\century10\Documents> ls ..\Desktop\

    Directory: C:\Users\century10\Desktop

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         6/8/2017   4:57 PM              0 _4u

To solve this level we need to query Windows services:

PS C:\Users\century10\Documents> Get-Service -DisplayName *update*

Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Stopped  wuauserv           Windows Update

PS C:\Users\century10\Documents> Get-Service -Name "Windows Update" | Select-Object *

Name                : wuauserv
RequiredServices    : {rpcss}
CanPauseAndContinue : False
CanShutdown         : False
CanStop             : False
DisplayName         : Windows Update
DependentServices   : {}
MachineName         : .
ServiceName         : wuauserv
ServicesDependedOn  : {rpcss}
ServiceHandle       :
Status              : Stopped
ServiceType         : Win32ShareProcess
StartType           : Manual
Site                :
Container           :

PS C:\Users\century10\Documents> Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter  "Name='wuauserv'"  | Select-Object *

PSComputerName          : CENTURY
Name                    : wuauserv
Status                  : OK
ExitCode                : 0
DesktopInteract         : False
ErrorControl            : Normal
PathName                : C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
ServiceType             : Share Process
StartMode               : Manual
Description             : Enables the detection, download, and installation of updates for Windows and other programs. If this service is
                          disabled, users of this computer will not be able to use Windows Update or its automatic updating feature, and programs
                          will not be able to use the Windows Update Agent (WUA) API.
DisplayName             : Windows Update

Based on the above description, the passowrd for the next level is: windowsupdates_4u.

Century 11

The password for Century12 is the name of the hidden file within the contacts, desktop, documents, downloads, favorites, music, or videos folder in the user's profile.

To solve this level again we need to do a bit of filtering based on file paths, names and attributes:

PS C:\Users\century11> Get-Childitem Path Contacts,Desktop,Documents,Downloads,Favorites,Music,Videos -File -Attributes !D+H -Exclude desktop.ini -
Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Directory: C:\Users\century11\Desktop

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a-h--         6/8/2017   4:59 PM              0 secret_sauce
!D is used here to exclude directories and +H is used to include hidden files.

The password for level 12 is: secret_sauce.

Century 12

The password for Century13 is the description of the computer designated as a Domain Controller within this domain PLUS the name of the file on the desktop.

Let’s get the easy bit first - the file on the Desktop:

PS C:\Users\century12> ls .\Desktop

    Directory: C:\Users\century12\Desktop

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         6/8/2017   5:09 PM              0 _things

Then use the next cmdlet to find out the name of the computer who is the Domain Controller using Get-ADDomainController:

PS C:\Users\century12> Get-ADDomainController

ComputerObjectDN           : CN=CENTURY,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=UNDERTHEWIRE,DC=TECH
DefaultPartition           : DC=UNDERTHEWIRE,DC=TECH
Domain                     : UNDERTHEWIRE.TECH
Enabled                    : True
Forest                     : UNDERTHEWIRE.TECH
HostName                   : Century.UNDERTHEWIRE.TECH
InvocationId               : 8e3c06c8-3e99-4b88-8a69-dcb87617de2f
IPv4Address                :
IPv6Address                : ::1
IsGlobalCatalog            : True
IsReadOnly                 : False
LdapPort                   : 389
Name                       : CENTURY
NTDSSettingsObjectDN       : CN=NTDS Settings,CN=CENTURY,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=UNDERTHEWIRE,DC=TECH
OperatingSystem            : Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Evaluation

Based on its name, Get-ADComputer provides additional information:

PS C:\Users\century12> Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -Eq "CENTURY"} -Properties description

Description       : i_authenticate
DistinguishedName : CN=CENTURY,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=UNDERTHEWIRE,DC=TECH
DNSHostName       : Century.UNDERTHEWIRE.TECH
Enabled           : True
Name              : CENTURY
ObjectClass       : computer
ObjectGUID        : e1248e0f-ed89-42a4-86ef-687303e886a5
SamAccountName    : CENTURY$
SID               : S-1-5-21-3968311752-1263969649-2303472966-1002
UserPrincipalName :
Note that the Description field is not displayed by default, that's why we need to specify it manually using the -Properties flag.

And we have the password for the next level: i_authenticate_things.

Century 13

The password for Century14 is the number of words within the file on the desktop.

We’re getting closer to the final level with more file parsing:

PS C:\Users\century13> Get-Content .\Desktop\words.txt | Measure-Object Word

Lines  Words Characters Property
-----  ----- ---------- --------

The password for level 14 is: 475361.

Century 14

The password for Century15 is the number of times the word "polo" appears within the file on the desktop.

The last level is very simple as well and teaches us pattern matching:

PS C:\Users\century14> (Get-Content .\Desktop\stuff.txt | Select-String -Pattern "polo" -AllMatches).length

The final password is: 10.

This was the last level fron the first set of challenges. Looking forward to do the next ones!